How to Cite a Picture
How to Cite a Picture (and other Graphics)
First you number and title your figure, then one option is tocredit the source in the caption as in Fig. 1 giving the full citation. Or you can just give the title with the full citation information in the references at the end of your paper as in Fig. 2.
If the picture is your own then the citation depends on whether or not the picture is published. If it is published, use a normal citation with yourself as the author. If it is unpublished, you can cite yourself: picture taken by author along with a date.
For more examples of citing figures and the differences with citing a table see II.V.2 Figures and Tables in this textbook.

Crocodile [Image] (2005). Everglades NPS. R. Cammauf. Retrieved on 2015, October 23 from (CC Public Domain Mark 1.0.)