22 Chapter 22: Endocrine System
You may never have thought of it this way, but when you send a text message to two friends to meet you at the restaurant six, you’re sending digital signals that (you hope) will affect their behavior—even though they are some distance away. Similarly, certain cells send chemical signals to other cells in the body that influence their behavior. This long-distance intercellular communication, coordination, and control is critical for homeostasis, and it is the fundamental function of the endocrine system.
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you will be able to:
- Identify the contributions of the endocrine system to homeostasis
- Summarize the site of production, regulation, and effects of the hormones of the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands, and the pancreas, gonads, and kidneys.
The endocrine system produces hormones that function to control and regulate many different body processes. The endocrine system coordinates with the nervous system to control the functions of the other organ systems and to maintain homeostasis. Cells of the endocrine system produce chemical signals called hormones. These cells may compose endocrine glands, may be tissues or may be located in organs or tissues that have functions in addition to hormone production. Hormones circulate throughout the body and stimulate a response in cells that have receptors able to bind with them. The changes brought about in the receiving cells affect the functioning of the organ targeted by the hormone. Many of the hormones are secreted in response to signals from the nervous system, thus the two systems act in concert to effect changes in the body.
22.1 Hormones
Maintaining homeostasis within the body requires the coordination of many different systems and organs. One mechanism of communication between neighboring cells, and between cells and tissues in distant parts of the body, occurs through the release of chemicals called hormones. Hormones are released into the blood, which carries them to their target cells where they elicit a response. The cells that secrete hormones are often located in specific organs, called endocrine glands, and the cells, tissues, and organs that secrete hormones make up the endocrine system. Examples of endocrine organs include the pancreas, which produces the hormones insulin and glucagon to regulate blood-glucose levels, the adrenal glands, which produce hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine that regulate responses to stress, and the thyroid gland, which produces thyroid hormones that regulate metabolic rates.
The endocrine glands differ from the exocrine glands. Exocrine glands secrete chemicals through ducts that lead outside the gland (not to the blood). For example, sweat produced by sweat glands is released into ducts that carry sweat to the surface of the skin. The pancreas has both endocrine and exocrine functions because besides releasing hormones into the blood. It also produces digestive juices, which are carried by ducts into the small intestine.
How Hormones Work
Hormones cause changes in target cells by binding to specific cell-surface or intracellular hormone receptors, proteins embedded in the cell membrane or floating in the cytoplasm with a binding site that matches a binding site on the hormone molecule. In this way, even though hormones circulate throughout the body and come into contact with many different cell types, they only affect cells that possess the necessary receptors. Receptors for a specific hormone may be found on or in many different cells or may be limited to a small number of specialized cells. For example, thyroid hormones act on many different tissue types, stimulating metabolic activity throughout the body. Cells can have many receptors for the same hormone but often also possess receptors for different types of hormones. The number of receptors that respond to a hormone determines the cell’s sensitivity to that hormone, and the resulting cellular response. Additionally, the number of receptors available to respond to a hormone can change over time, resulting in increased or decreased cell sensitivity.
22.2 Endocrine Glands
The endocrine glands secrete hormones into the surrounding interstitial fluid; those hormones then diffuse into blood and are carried to various organs and tissues within the body. The endocrine glands include the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, gonads, pineal, and pancreas.
The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain (Figure 22.2a). It is attached to the hypothalamus. The posterior lobe stores and releases oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (ADH) produced by the hypothalamus. Oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth, and it also stimulates milk letdown by the mammary glands (starts the milk flowing) during nursing. ADH stimulates the kidneys to save water from the urine. This returns more water to the blood and increases blood pressure. The anterior lobe responds to hormones produced by the hypothalamus by producing its own hormones, most of which regulate other hormone-producing glands.

The anterior pituitary produces six hormones: growth hormone, prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH). Growth hormone stimulates cellular activities like protein synthesis that promote growth. Prolactin stimulates the production of milk by the mammary glands. The other hormones produced by the anterior pituitary regulate the production of hormones by other endocrine tissues (Table 22.1). The posterior pituitary is significantly different in structure from the anterior pituitary. It is a part of the brain, extending down from the hypothalamus, and contains mostly nerve fibers that extend from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary.
The thyroid gland is located in the neck, just below the larynx and in front of the trachea (Figure 22.2b). It is a butterfly-shaped gland with two lobes that are connected. The thyroid gland synthesizes the hormone thyroxine, which is also known as T4 because it contains four atoms of iodine, and triiodothyronine, also known as T3 because it contains three atoms of iodine. T3 and T4 are released by the thyroid in response to thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) produced by the anterior pituitary, and both T3 and T4 have the effect of stimulating metabolic activity in the body and increasing energy use. A third hormone, calcitonin, is also produced by the thyroid. Calcitonin is released in response to rising calcium ion concentrations in the blood and has the effect of reducing those levels.
Most people have four parathyroid glands; however, the number can vary from two to six. These glands are located on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland (Figure 22.2b). The parathyroid glands produce parathyroid hormone, which increases blood calcium concentrations when calcium ion levels fall below normal.
The adrenal glands are located on top of each kidney (Figure 22.2c). The adrenal glands consist of an outer adrenal cortex and an inner adrenal medulla. These regions secrete different hormones.
The adrenal cortex produces aldosterone, cortisol, and androgens. Aldosterone regulates the concentration of sodium and potassium ions in the blood. Aldosterone release from the adrenal cortex is stimulated by a decrease in blood concentrations of sodium ions, blood volume, or blood pressure, or by an increase in blood potassium levels. Cortisol helps maintain proper blood-glucose levels between meals. Cortisol also controls the response to stress by increasing glucose synthesis from fats and proteins and interacting with epinephrine to cause vasoconstriction. Androgens are sex hormones that are produced in small amounts by the adrenal cortex. They do not normally affect sexual characteristics and may supplement sex hormones released from the gonads.
The adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline). Epinephrine and norepinephrine cause immediate, short-term changes in response to stressors, inducing the so-called fight-or-flight response. The responses include increased heart rate, breathing rate, cardiac muscle contractions, and blood-glucose levels. They also accelerate the breakdown of glucose in skeletal muscles and stored fats in adipose tissue, and redirect blood flow toward skeletal muscles and away from skin and viscera. The release of epinephrine and norepinephrine is stimulated by neural impulses from the sympathetic nervous system that originate from the hypothalamus.
The pancreas is an elongated organ located between the stomach and the proximal portion of the small intestine (Figure 22.2d). It contains both exocrine cells that excrete digestive enzymes and endocrine cells that release hormones. The endocrine cells of the pancreas form clusters called pancreatic islets or the islets of Langerhans. Among the cell types in each pancreatic islet are the alpha cells, which produce the hormone glucagon, and the beta cells, which produce the hormone insulin. These hormones regulate blood-glucose levels. Alpha cells release glucagon as blood-glucose levels decline in order to increase the glucose back up to normal. When blood-glucose levels rise, beta cells release insulin to decrease the blood glucose to normal. Glucagon causes the release of glucose to the blood from the liver, and insulin facilitates the uptake of glucose by the body’s cells.
The gonads (testes in the male and ovaries in the female)produce steroid hormones, which are made from cholesterol. The testes produce androgens, testosterone being the most prominent, which allow for the development of secondary sex characteristics and the production of sperm cells. The ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone, which cause secondary sex characteristics, regulate production of eggs, control pregnancy, and prepare the body for childbirth.
The kidneys also possess endocrine function. Erythropoietin (EPO) is released by kidneys in response to low blood oxygen levels. EPO triggers an increase in the rate of production of red blood cells in the red bone marrow. EPO has been used by athletes (e.g. cyclists) to improve performance because more RBCs mean more oxygen can be transported. However, EPO doping has its risks, because it thickens the blood and increases strain on the heart; it also increases the risk of blood clots and therefore heart attacks and stroke.
Endocrine Glands and Their Associated Hormones | ||
Endocrine Gland | Associated Hormones | Effect |
Pituitary (anterior) | growth hormone | promotes growth of body tissues |
prolactin | promotes milk production | |
thyroid-stimulating hormone | stimulates thyroid hormone release | |
adrenocorticotropic hormone | stimulates hormone release by adrenal cortex | |
follicle-stimulating hormone | stimulates gamete production | |
luteinizing hormone | stimulates androgen production by gonads in males; stimulates ovulation and production of estrogen and progesterone in females | |
Pituitary (posterior) | antidiuretic hormone | stimulates water reabsorption by kidneys |
oxytocin | stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth and milk letdown during nursing | |
Thyroid | thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) | stimulate metabolism |
calcitonin | reduces blood Ca2+ levels | |
Parathyroid | parathyroid hormone | increases blood Ca2+ levels |
Adrenal (cortex) | aldosterone | increases blood Na+ levels and decreases blood K+ levels |
cortisol | increases blood-glucose levels, helps deal with stress | |
Adrenal (medulla) | epinephrine, norepinephrine | stimulate fight-or-flight response |
Pancreas | insulin | reduces blood-glucose levels |
glucagon | increases blood-glucose levels | |
Kidneys |
erythropoietin | increases red blood cell production by the bone marrow |
Table 22.1 Endocrine organs and the hormones they secrete.
22.3 Regulation of Hormone Production
Hormone production and release are primarily controlled by negative feedback, as described in the discussion on homeostasis. In this way, the concentration of hormones in blood is maintained within a narrow range. For example, the anterior pituitary signals the thyroid to release thyroid hormones. Increasing levels of these hormones in the blood then give feedback to the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary to inhibit further signaling to the thyroid gland (Figure 22.3).

Adapted from Openstax Human Biology