14 Glaciers

14 Glaciers
At the end of this chapter, students should be able to:
- Differentiate the different types of glaciers and contrast them with sea icebergs
- Describe how glaciers form, move, and create landforms
- Describe glacial budget; describe the zones of accumulation, equilibrium, and melting
- Identify glacial erosional and depositional landforms and interpret their origin; describe glacial lakes
- Describe the history and causes of past glaciations and their relationship to climate, sea-level changes, and isostatic rebound
The Earth’s cryosphere, or ice, has a unique set of erosional and depositional features compared to its hydrosphere, or liquid water. This ice exists primarily in two forms, glaciers and icebergs. Glaciers are large accumulations of ice that exist year-round on the land surface. In contrast, masses ice floating on the ocean are icebergs, although they may have had their origin in glaciers.
Glaciers cover about 10% of the Earth’s surface and are powerful erosional agents that sculpt the planet’s surface. These enormous masses of ice usually form in mountainous areas that experience cold temperatures and high precipitation. Glaciers also occur in low lying areas such as Greenland and Antarctica that remain extremely cold year-round.
14.1 Glacier Formation

Glaciers form when repeated annual snowfall accumulates deep layers of snow that are not completely melted in the summer. Thus there is an accumulation of snow that builds up into deep layers. Perennial snow is a snow accumulation that lasts all year. A thin accumulation of perennial snow is a snow field. Over repeated seasons of perennial snow, the snow settles, compacts, and bonds with underlying layers. The amount of void space between the snow grains diminishes. As the old snow gets buried by more new snow, the older snow layers compact into firn, or névé, a granular mass of ice crystals. As the firn continues to be buried, compressed, and recrystallizes, the void spaces become smaller and the ice becomes less porous, eventually turning into glacier ice. Solid glacial ice still retains a fair amount of void space and that traps air. These small air pockets provide records of the past atmosphere composition.
There are three general types of glaciers: alpine or valley glaciers, ice sheets, and ice caps. Most alpine glaciers are located in the world’s major mountain ranges such as the Andes, Rockies, Alps, and Himalayas, usually occupying long, narrow valleys. Alpine glaciers may also form at lower elevations in areas that receive high annual precipitation such as the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state.

Ice sheets, also called continental glaciers, form across millions of square kilometers of land and are thousands of meters thick. Earth’s largest ice sheets are located on Greenland and Antarctica. The Greenland Ice Sheet is the largest ice mass in the Northern Hemisphere with an extensive surface area of over 2 million sq km (1,242,700 sq mi) and an average thickness of up to 1500 meters (5,000 ft, almost a mile) [1].
The Antarctic Ice Sheet is even larger and covers almost the entire continent. The thickest parts of the Antarctic ice sheet are over 4,000 meters thick (>13,000 ft or 2.5 mi). Its weight depresses the Antarctic bedrock to below sea level in many places. The cross-sectional diagram comparing the Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets illustrates the size difference between the two.

Ice cap glaciers are smaller versions of ice sheets that cover less than 50,000 km2 and usually occupy higher elevations and may cover tops of mountains. There are several ice caps on Iceland. A small ice cap called Snow Dome is near Mt. Olympus on the Olympic Peninsula in the state of Washington.
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The figure shows the size of the ancient Laurentide Ice Sheet in the Northern Hemisphere. This ice sheet was present during the last glacial maximum event, also known as the last Ice Age.
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14. 2 Glacier Movement
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As the ice accumulates, it begins to flow downward under its own weight. In 1948, glaciologists installed hollow vertical rods in into the Jungfraufirn Glacier in the Swiss Alps to measure changes in its movement over two years. This study showed that the ice at the surface was fairly rigid and ice within the glacier was actually flowing downhill. The cross-sectional diagram of an alpine (valley) glacier shows that the rate of ice movement is slow near the bottom, and fastest in the middle with the top ice being carried along on the ice below.
One of the unique properties of ice is that it melts under pressure. About half of the overall glacial movement was from sliding on a film of meltwater along the bedrock surface and half from internal flow. Ice near the surface of the glacier is rigid and brittle to a depth of about 50 m (165 ft). In this brittle zone, large ice cracks called crevasses form on the glacier’s moving surface. These crevasses can be covered and hidden by a snow bridge and are a hazard for glacier travelers.

Below the brittle zone, the pressure typically exceeds 100 kilopascals (kPa), which is –approximately 100,000 times atmospheric pressure. Under this applied force, the ice no longer breaks, but rather it bends or flows in a zone called the plastic zone. This plastic zone represents the great majority of glacier ice. The plastic zone contains a fair amount of sediment of various grades from boulders to silt and clay. As the bottom of the glacier slides and grinds across the bedrock surface, these sediments act as grinding agents and create a zone of significant erosion.
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14.3 Glacial Budget

A glacial budget is like a bank account, with the ice being the existing balance. If there is more income (snow accumulating in winter) than expense (snow and ice melting in summer), then the glacial budget shows growth. A positive or negative balance of ice in the overall glacial budget determines whether a glacier advances or retreats, respectively. The area where the ice balance is growing is called the zone of accumulation. The area where ice balance is shrinking is called the zone of ablation.
The diagram shows these two zones and the equilibrium line. In the zone of accumulation, the snow accumulation rate exceeds the snow melting rate and the ice surface is always covered with snow. The equilibrium line, also called the snowline or firnline, marks the boundary between the zones of accumulation and ablation. Below the equilibrium line in the zone of ablation, the melting rate exceeds snow accumulation leaving the bare ice surface exposed. The position of the firnline changes during the season and from year to year as a reflection of a positive or negative ice balance in the glacial budget. Of the two variables affecting a glacier‘s budget, winter accumulation and summer melt, summer melt matters most to a glacier’s budget. Cool summers promote glacial advance and warm summers promote glacial retreat .

If a handful of warmer summers promote glacial retreat, then global climate warming over decades and centuries will accelerate glacial melting and retreat even faster. Global warming due to human burning of fossil fuels is causing the ice sheets to lose in years, an amount of mass that would normally take centuries. Current glacial melting is contributing to rising sea–levels faster than expected based on previous history.
As the Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets melt during global warming, they become thinner or deflate. The edges of the ice sheets break off and fall into the ocean, a process called calving, becoming floating icebergs. A fjord is a steep-walled valley flooded with sea water. The narrow shape of a fjord has been carved out by a glacier during a cooler climate period. During a warming trend, glacial meltwater may raise the sea level in fjords and flood formerly dry valleys [8, 9]. Glacial retreat and deflation are well illustrated in the 2009 TED Talk by James Balog.

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14.4 Glacial Landforms
Both alpine and continental glaciers create two categories of landforms: erosional and depositional. Erosional landforms are formed by the removal of material. Depositional landforms are formed by the addition of material. Because glaciers were first studied by 18th and 19th century geologists in Europe, the terminology applied to glaciers and glacial features contains many terms derived from European languages.
14.4.1 Erosional Glacial Landforms
Erosional landforms are created when moving masses of glacial ice slide and grind over bedrock. Glacial ice contains large amounts of poorly sorted sand, gravel, and boulders that have been plucked and pried from the bedrock. As the glaciers slide across the bedrock, they grind these sediments into a fine powder called rock flour. Rock flour acts as fine grit that polishes the surface of the bedrock to a smooth finish called glacial polish. Larger rock fragments scrape over the surface creating elongated grooves called glacial striations.
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Alpine glaciers produce a variety of unique erosional landforms, such as U-shaped valleys, arêtes, cirques, tarns, horns, cols, hanging valleys, and truncated spurs. In contrast, stream-carved canyons have a V-shaped profile when viewed in cross-section. Glacial erosion transforms a former V-shaped stream valley into a U-shaped one. Glaciers are typically wider than streams of similar length, and since glaciers tend to erode both at their bases and their sides, they erode V-shaped valleys into relatively flat-bottomed broad valleys with steep sides and a distinctive “U” shape. As seen in the images, Little Cottonwood Canyon near Salt Lake City, Utah was occupied by an Ice Age glacier that extended down to the mouth of the canyon and into Lake Bonneville. Today, that U-shaped valley hosts many erosional landforms, including polished and striated rock surfaces. In contrast, Big Cottonwood Canyon to the north of Little Cottonwood Canyon has retained the V-shape in its lower portion, indicating that its glacier did not extend clear to its mouth, but was confined to its upper portion.
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![By Cecilia Bernal (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons](https://slcc.pressbooks.pub/app/uploads/sites/35/2022/03/Glacier_Valley_formation-_Formacion_Valle_glaciar-300x200.gif)
When glaciers carve two U-shaped valleys adjacent to each other, the ridge between them tends to be sharpened into a sawtooth feature called an arête. At the head of a glacially carved valley is a bowl-shaped feature called a cirque. The cirque represents where the head of the glacier eroded the mountain by plucking rock away from it and the weight of the thick ice eroded out a bowl. After the glacier is gone, the bowl at the bottom of the cirque often fills with precipitation and is occupied by a lake, called a tarn. When three or more mountain glaciers erode headward at their cirques, they produce horns, steep-sided, spire-shaped mountains. Low points along arêtes or between horns are mountain passes termed cols. Where a smaller tributary glacier flows into a larger trunk glacier, the smaller glacier cuts down less. Once the ice has gone, the tributary valley is left as a hanging valley, sometimes with a waterfall plunging into the main valley. As the trunk glacier straightens and widens a V-shaped valley and erodes the ends of side ridges, a steep triangle-shaped cliff is formed called a truncated spur.

14.4.2 Depositional Glacial Landforms

Depositional landforms and materials are produced from deposits left behind by a retreating glacier. All glacial deposits are called drift. These include till, tillites, diamictites, terminal moraines, recessional moraines, lateral moraines, medial moraines, ground moraines, silt, outwash plains, glacial erratics, kettles, kettle lakes, crevasses, eskers, kames, and drumlins.
Glacial ice carries a lot of sediment, which when deposited by a melting glacier is called till. Till is poorly sorted with grain sizes ranging from clay and silt to pebbles and boulders. These clasts may be striated. Many depositional landforms are composed of till. The term tillite refers to lithified rock having glacial origins. Diamictite refers to a lithified rock that contains a wide range of clast sizes; this includes glacial till but is a more objective and descriptive term for any rock with a wide range of clast sizes.
Moraines are mounded deposits consisting of glacial till carried in the glacial ice and rock fragments dislodged by mass wasting from the U-shaped valley walls. The glacier acts like a conveyor belt, carrying and depositing sediment at the end of and along the sides of the ice flow. Because the ice in the glacier is always flowing downslope, all glaciers have moraines build up at their terminus, even those not advancing.
Moraines are classified by their location with respect to the glacier. A terminal moraine is a ridge of till located at the end or terminus of the glacier. Recessional moraines are left as glaciers retreat and there are pauses in the retreat. Lateral moraines accumulate along the sides of the glacier from material mass wasted from the valley walls. When two tributary glaciers merge, the two lateral moraines combine to form a medial moraine running down the center of the combined glacier. Ground moraine is a veneer of till left on the land as the glacier melts.
In addition to moraines, glaciers leave behind other depositional landforms. Silt, sand, and gravel produced by the intense grinding process are carried by streams of water and deposited in front of the glacier in an area called the outwash plain. Retreating glaciers may leave behind large boulders that don’t match the local bedrock. These are called glacial erratics. When continental glaciers retreat, they can leave behind large blocks of ice within the till. These ice blocks melt and create a depression in the till called a kettle. If the depression later fills with water, it is called a kettle lake.
If meltwater flowing over the ice surface descends into crevasses in the ice, it may find a channel and continue to flow in sinuous channels within or at the base of the glacier. Within or under continental glaciers, these streams carry sediments. When the ice recedes, the accumulated sediment is deposited as a long sinuous ridge known as an esker. Meltwater descending down through the ice or over the margins of the ice may deposit mounds of till in hills called kames.
Drumlins are common in continental glacial areas of Germany, New York, and Wisconsin, where they typically are found in fields with great numbers. A drumlin is an elongated asymmetrical teardrop-shaped hill reflecting ice movement with its steepest side pointing upstream to the flow of ice and its streamlined or low–angled side pointing downstream in the direction of ice movement.

Glacial scientists debate the origins of drumlins. A leading idea is that drumlins are created from accumulated till being compressed and sculpted under a glacier that retreated then advanced again over its own ground moraine. Another idea is that meltwater catastrophically flooded under the glacier and carved the till into these streamlined mounds. Still another proposes that the weight of the overlying ice statically deformed the underlying till[12, 13].

14.4.3 Glacial Lakes

Glacial lakes are commonly found in alpine environments. A lake confined within a glacial cirque is called a tarn. A tarn forms when the depression in the cirque fills with precipitation after the ice is gone. Examples of tarns include Silver Lake near Brighton Ski resort in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Utah and Avalanche Lake in Glacier National Park, Montana.

When recessional moraines create a series of isolated basins in a glaciated valley, the resulting chain of lakes is called paternoster lakes.
Lakes filled by glacial meltwater often looks milky due to finely ground material called rock flour suspended in the water.

Long, glacially carved depressions filled with water are known as finger lakes. Proglacial lakes form along the edges of all the largest continental ice sheets, such as Antarctica and Greenland. The crust is depressed isostatically by the overlying ice sheet and these basins fill with glacial meltwater. Many such lakes, some of them huge, existed at various times along the southern edge of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Lake Agassiz, Manitoba, Canada, is a classic example of a proglacial lake. Lake Winnipeg serves as the remnant of a much larger proglacial lake.

Other proglacial lakes were formed when glaciers dammed rivers and flooded the river valley. A classic example is Lake Missoula, which formed when a lobe of the Laurentide ice sheet blocked the Clark Fork River about 18,000 years ago. Over about 2000 years the ice dam holding back Lake Missoula failed several times. During each breach, the lake emptied across parts of eastern Washington, Oregon, and Idaho into the Columbia River Valley and eventually the Pacific Ocean. After each breach, the dam reformed and the lake refilled. Each breach produced a catastrophic flood over a few days. Scientists estimate that this cycle of ice dam, proglacial lake, and torrential massive flooding happened at least 25 times over a span of 20 centuries. The rate of each outflow is believed to have equaled the combined discharge of all of Earth’s current rivers combined.

The landscape produced by these massive floods is preserved in the Channeled Scablands of Idaho, Washington, and Oregon.

Pluvial lakes form in humid environments that experience low temperatures and high precipitation. During the last glaciation, most of the western United States’ climate was cooler and more humid than today. Under these low-evaporation conditions, many large lakes, called pluvial lakes, formed in the basins of the Basin and Range Province. Two of the largest were Lake Bonneville and Lake Lahontan. Lake Lahontan was in northwestern Nevada. The figure illustrates the tremendous size of Lake Bonneville, which occupied much of western Utah and into eastern Nevada. The lake level fluctuated greatly over the centuries leaving several pronounced old shorelines marked by wave-cut terraces. These old shorelines can be seen on mountain slopes throughout the western portion of Utah, including the Salt Lake Valley, indicating that the now heavily urbanized valley was once filled with hundreds of feet of water. Lake Bonneville‘s level peaked around 18,000 years ago when a breach occurred at Red Rock Pass in Idaho and water spilled into the Snake River. The flooding rapidly lowered the lake level and scoured the Idaho landscape across the Pocatello Valley, the Snake River Plain, and Twin Falls. The floodwaters ultimately flowed into the Columbia River across part of the scablands area at an incredible discharge rate of about 4,750 cu km/sec (1,140 cu mi/sec). For comparison, this discharge rate would drain the volume of Lake Michigan completely dry within a few days.

The five Great Lakes in North America’s upper Midwest are proglacial lakes that originated during the last ice age. The lake basins were originally carved by the encroaching continental ice sheet. The basins were later exposed as the ice retreated about 14,000 years ago and filled by precipitation.
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14.5 Ice Age Glaciations
A glaciation or ice age) occurs when the Earth’s climate becomes cold enough that continental ice sheets expand, covering large areas of land. Four major, well–documented glaciations have occurred in Earth’s history: one during the Archean-early Proterozoic Eon, ~2.5 billion years ago; another in late Proterozoic Eon, ~700 million years ago; another in the Pennsylvanian, 323 to 300 million years ago, and most recently during the Pliocene-Pleistocene epochs starting 2.5 million years ago (Chapter 8). Some scientists also recognize a minor glaciation around 440 million years ago in Africa.
The best–studied glaciation is, of course, the most recent. This infographic illustrates the glacial and climate changes over the last 20,000 years, ending with those caused by human actions since the Industrial Revolution. The Pliocene-Pleistocene glaciation was a series of several glacial cycles, possibly 18 in total. Antarctic ice–core records exhibit especially strong evidence for eight glacial advances occurring within the last 420,000 years [16]. The last of these is known in popular media as “The Ice Age,” but geologists refer to it as the Last Glacial Maximum. The glacial advance reached its maximum between 26,500 and 19,000 years ago [10, 17].
14.5.1 Causes of Glaciations
Glaciations occur due to both long-term and short–term factors. In the geologic sense, long-term means a scale of tens to hundreds of millions of years and short-term means a scale of hundreds to thousands of years.
Long-term causes include plate tectonics breaking up the supercontinents (see Wilson Cycle, Chapter 2), moving land masses to high latitudes near the north or south poles, and changing ocean circulation. For example, the closing of the Panama Strait and isolation of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans may have triggered a change in precipitation cycles, which combined with a cooling climate to help expand the ice sheets.

Short-term causes of glacial fluctuations are attributed to the cycles in the Earth’s rotational–axis and to variations in the earth’s orbit around the Sun which affect the distance between Earth and the Sun. Called Milankovitch Cycles, these cycles affect the amount of incoming solar radiation, causing short-term cycles of warming and cooling.
During the Cenozoic Era, carbon dioxide levels steadily decreased from a maximum in the Paleocene, causing the climate to gradually cool. By the Pliocene, ice sheets began to form. The effects of the Milankovitch Cycles created short-term cycles of warming and cooling within the larger glaciation event.
Milankovitch Cycles are three orbital changes named after the Serbian astronomer Milutan Milankovitch. The three orbital changes are called precession, obliquity, and eccentricity. Precession is the wobbling of Earth’s axis with a period of about 21,000 years; obliquity is changes in the angle of Earth’s axis with a period of about 41,000 years; and eccentricity is variations in the Earth’s orbit around the sun leading to changes in distance from the sun with a period of 93,000 years [19]. These orbital changes created a 41,000–year-long glacial–interglacial Milankovitch Cycle from 2.5 to 1.0 million years ago, followed by another longer cycle of about 100,000 years from 1.0 million years ago to today (see Milankovitch Cycles).

Watch the video to see summaries of the ice ages, including their characteristics and causes.

14.5.2 Sea-Level Change and Isostatic Rebound
When glaciers melt and retreat, two things happen: water runs off into the ocean causing sea levels to rise worldwide, and the land, released from its heavy covering of ice, rises due to isostatic rebound. Since the Last Glacial Maximum about 19,000 years ago, sea–level has risen about 125 m (400 ft). A global change in sea level is called eustatic sea-level change. During a warming trend, sea–level rises due to more water being added to the ocean and also thermal expansion of sea water. About half of the Earth’s eustatic sea-level rise during the last century has been the result of glaciers melting and about half due to thermal expansion [21, 22]. Thermal expansion describes how a solid, liquid, or gas expands in volume with an increase in temperature. This 30 second video demonstrates thermal expansion with the classic brass ball and ring experiment.

Relative sea-level change includes vertical movement of both eustatic sea-level and continents on tectonic plates. In other words, sea-level change is measured relative to land elevation. For example, if the land rises a lot and sea-level rises only a little, then the relative sea-level would appear to drop.
Continents sitting on the lithosphere can move vertically upward as a result of two main processes, tectonic uplift and isostatic rebound. Tectonic uplift occurs when tectonic plates collide (see Chapter 2). Isostatic rebound describes the upward movement of lithospheric crust sitting on top of the asthenospheric layer below it. Continental crust bearing the weight of continental ice sinks into the asthenosphere displacing it. After the ice sheet melts away, the asthenosphere flows back in and continental crust floats back upward. Erosion can also create isostatic rebound by removing large masses like mountains and transporting the sediment away (think of the Mesozoic removal of the Alleghanian Mountains and the uplift of the Appalachian plateau; Chapter 8), albeit this process occurs more slowly than relatively rapid glacier melting.
The isostatic–rebound map below shows rates of vertical crustal movement worldwide. The highest rebound rate is indicated by the blue-to-purple zones (top end of the scale). The orange-to-red zones (bottom end of the scale) surrounding the high-rebound zones indicate isostatic lowering as adjustments in displaced subcrustal material have taken place.

Most glacial isostatic rebound is occurring where continental ice sheets rapidly melted about 19,000 years ago, such as in Canada and Scandinavia. Its effects can be seen wherever Ice Age ice or water bodies are or were present on continental surfaces and in terraces on river floodplains that cross these areas. Isostatic rebound occurred in Utah when the water from Lake Bonneville drained away [23]. North America’s Great Lakes also exhibit emergent coastline features caused by isostatic rebound since the continental ice sheet retreated.
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Glaciers form when average annual snowfall exceeds melting and snow compresses into glacial ice. There are three types of glaciers, alpine or valley glaciers that occupy valleys, ice sheets that cover continental areas, and ice caps that cover smaller areas usually at higher elevations. As the ice accumulates, it begins to flow downslope and outward under its own weight. Glacial ice is divided into two zones, the upper rigid or brittle zone where the ice cracks into crevasses and the lower plastic zone where under the pressure of overlying ice, the ice bends and flows exhibiting ductile behavior. Rock material that falls onto the ice by mass wasting or is plucked and carried by the ice is called moraine and acts as grinding agents against the bedrock creating significant erosion.
Glaciers have a budget of income and expense. The zone of income for the glacier is called the Zone of Accumulation, where snow is converted into firn then ice by compression and recrystallization, and the zone of expense called the Zone of Ablation, where ice melts or sublimes away. The line separating these two zones latest in the year is the Equilibrium or Firn Line and can be seen on the glacier separating bare ice from snow covered ice. If the glacial budget is balanced, even though the ice continues to flow downslope, the end or terminus of the glacier remains in a stable position. If income is greater than expense, the position of the terminus moves downslope. If expense is greater than income, a circumstance now affecting glaciers and ice sheets worldwide due to global warming, the terminus recedes. If this situation continues, the glaciers will disappear. An average of cooler summers affects the stability or growth of glaciers more than higher snowfall. As the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets flow seaward, the edges calve off forming icebergs.
Glaciers create two kinds of landforms, erosional and depositional. Alpine glaciers carve U-shaped valleys and moraine carried in the ice polishes and grooves or striates the bedrock. Other landscape features produced by erosion include horns, arête ridges, cirques, hanging valleys, cols, and truncated spurs. Cirques may contain eroded basins that are occupied by post glacial lakes called tarns. Depositional features result from deposits left by retreating ice called drift. These include till, and moraine deposits (terminal, recessional, lateral, medial, and ground), eskers, kames, kettles and kettle lakes, erratics, and drumlins. A series of recessional moraines in glaciated valleys may create basins that are later filled with water to become paternoster lakes. Glacial meltwater carries fine grained sediment onto the outwash plain. Lakes containing glacial meltwater are milky in color from suspended finely ground rock flour. Ice Age climate was more humid and precipitation that did not become glacier ice filled regional depressions to become pluvial lakes. Examples of pluvial lakes include Lake Missoula dammed behind an ice sheet lobe and Lake Bonneville in Utah whose shoreline remnants can be seen on mountainsides. Repeated breaching of the ice lobe allowed Lake Missoula to rapidly drain causing massive floods that scoured the Channeled Scablands of Idaho, Washington, and Oregon.
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- ALGNP © Matt Affolter is licensed under a All Rights Reserved license
- Grosser_Aletschgletscher_3178 © Dirk Beyer is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license
- Greenland © Steven Earle is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license
- Greenland_ice_sheet_AMSL_thickness_map © Eric Gaba is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license
- Steve Earle_antarctic-greenland-2-300×128 © Steve Earle is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license
- Snow-Dome-ice-cap is licensed under a All Rights Reserved license
- Vatnajokull-ice-cap-in-Iceland © NASA is licensed under a Public Domain license
- Maximum-extent-of-Laurentide-ice-sheet © U.S. Geological Survey is licensed under a Public Domain license
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- Chevron_Crevasses_00 © Walter Siegmund is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license
- Glaciereaston © Mauri S. Pelto is licensed under a Public Domain license
- Steve Earle_ice flow and stress © Steven Earle is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license
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- ice-flow-2 © Steven Earle is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license
- Geirangerfjord_(6-2007) © Frédéric de Goldschmidt is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license
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- GlacialPolish © Sierra Maclure is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) license
- Glacial_striation_21149 © Walter Siegmund is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license
- UshapedValleyUT © Mark A. Wilson is licensed under a Public Domain license
- V-shaped Big Cottonwood © Cam Mosher is licensed under a All Rights Reserved license
- Glacier_Valley_formation-_Formación_Valle_glaciar © Cecilia Bernal is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license
- Thornton_Lakes_25929 © Walter Siegmund is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license
- Kinnerly_Peak © U.S. Geological Survey is licensed under a Public Domain license
- Closeup_of_Bridalveil_Fall_seen_from_Tunnel_View_in_Yosemite_NP © Daniel Mayer is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license
- 14.4.1 Erosional Glaciers Interactive Activity QR Code
- Diamictite_Mineral_Fork © James L. Stuby is licensed under a Public Domain license
- UGA02-0787-n7b © George Condrat is licensed under a All Rights Reserved license
- Nuussuaq-peninsula-moraines © Algkalv is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license
- Drumlins in Germany © Martin Groll is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license
- 14.4.2 Depositional Glaciers Interactive Activity QR Code
- Verdi_Leak_in_The_Ruby_Mountains-e1496442171386 © Jeremy Michael is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license
- Paternoster lakes © wetwebwork is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license
- Satellite photo of Finger Lakes region of New York © NASA is licensed under a Public Domain license
- Agassiz © Upham, Warren (USGS) is licensed under a Public Domain license
- View of the Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington © Harley D. Nygren (NOAA) is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license
- Lake_bonneville_map.svg_ © Liandrei (Fallschirmjäger) is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license
- The great lakes © SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and ORBIMAGE adapted by Beyond My Ken is licensed under a Public Domain license
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- CO2 in the Cenozoic © Robert A. Rohde is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license
- 14.5.1 Causes of Glaciations Interactive Activity
- Ice Ages & Climate Cycles Youtube QR Code
- Ball and Ring Rate of Expansion and Contraction Youtube QR Code
- Map showing greatest rebound rates in the areas of recent glaciation. © Erik Ivins, JPL. is licensed under a Public Domain license
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- Ch.14 Review QR Code
A body of ice that moves downhill under its own mass.
The net gain or loss of ice within a glacier.
Deposition and erosion tied to glacier movement.
A period of cooler temperatures on Earth in which ice sheets can grow on continents.
Long term averages and variations within the conditions of the atmosphere.
An upwards movement of the lithosphere when weight is removed, such as water or ice.
The part of the hydrosphere (water) that is frozen, found mainly at the poles.
The water part of the Earth, as a solid, liquid, or gas.
Two or more atoms or ions that are connected chemically.
Snow which has been compressed, and is starting to turn into ice.
A geologic circumstance (such as a fold, fault, change in lithology, etc.) which allows petroleum resources to collect.
The gases that are part of the Earth, which are mainly nitrogen and oxygen.
The mineral make up of a rock, i.e. which minerals are found within a rock.
An alpine glacier that fills a mountain valley.
Thick glaciers that cover continents during ice ages.
Glaciers that form in cool or mountainous areas.
The act of a solid coming out of solution, typically resulting from a drop in temperature or a decrease of the dissolving material.
The layers of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks that form the continents. Continental crust is much thicker than oceanic crust. Continental crust is defined as having higher concentrations of very light elements like K, Na, and Ca, and is the lowest density rocky layer of Earth. Its average composition is similar to granite.
Term for the underlying lithified rocks that make up the geologic record in an area. This term can sometimes refer to only the deeper, crystalline (non-layered) rocks.
A rock up-warping of symmetrical anticlines.
A property of solids in which a force applied to an object causes the object to fracture, break, or snap. Most rocks, at low temperatures, are brittle.
Cracks that form with glacial movement in the upper, brittle part of the glacier.
Pieces of rock that have been weathered and possibly eroded.
The transport and movement of weathered sediments.
Part of a glacier in which there is a net gain over the course of a year.
The line between the zone of accumulation and the zone of ablation.
Waves that bounce off of a boundary between mediums of different properties.
Energy resources (typically hydrocarbons) derived from ancient chemical energy preserved in the geologic record. Includes coal, oil, and natural gas.
A process where ice from the ends of glaciers falls off into the ocean.
Glacial valley filled by ocean water.
The third largest span of time recognized by geologists; smaller than a era, larger than a epoch. We are currently in the Quaternary period. Rocks of a specific period are called systems.
Smooth surface carved in harder rocks by glacial action.
Groves scratched in rock by glacial action.
A ridge that is carved between two glacial valleys.
Glacially-carved, bowl-shaped valley.
Steep spire carved by several glaciers.
Low point within an arête.
A feature formed by a tributary glacier going into a main glacier, forming a tributary valley floor higher in elevation than the main valley floor.
An eroded arête that forms a triangular shape.
A channelled body of water.
The end of a river out of which water flows into a sea or other large body of water.
Source: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mouth
A natural water stream that flows into a larger river or other body of water.
Source: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tributary
General term for very poorly sorted sediment that is of glacial origin.
Term for a rock made definitively of glacial till.
A sedimentary rock containing two distinct grain sizes, typically cobbles (or larger) mixed with mud.
Moraine that forms at the end of a glacier.
A terminal moraine that forms as a glacier melts.
Moraines that form at the sides of glaciers.
A place where two or more glaciers combine, and the lateral moraines combine to form a moraine within the glacier.
Moraine that forms beneath a glacier.
Accumulation of fine-grained sediment formed downhill of the terminal moraine.
Large sediment (e.g. boulder) carried and then dropped by a glacier.
Depression formed by ice resting in sediment, then preserved after the ice melts and the sediment lithifies.
Ridge of sediment that forms under a glacier by meltwater which forms a river.
Ridge of sediment that forms under a glacier, with a steep uphill (with respect to the glacier) side and gentle downhill side.
An observation that is completely free of bias, i.e. anyone and everyone would make the same observation.
Any downhill movement of material, caused by gravity.
Accumulation of sediment at the margins of glaciers, including the base, sides, and end.
Lake that forms in a kettle.
Series of lakes between moraines within an alpine glacier basin, typically a cirque.
Lake that fills a glacial valley.
Lake that forms next to a glacier because of crustal loading.
The outermost chemical layer of the Earth, defined by its low density and higher concentrations of lighter elements. The crust has two types: continental, which is the thick, more ductile, and lowest density, and oceanic, which is higher density, more brittle, and thinner.
A feature with no internal structure, habit, or layering.
Amount of water that leaves a system, such as a river or aquifer.
Lakes that form via increased precipitation with glacial climate shifts.
Term for the extensional tectonic province that extends from California's Sierra Nevada Mountains in the west, to Utah's Wasatch Mountains to the east, to southern Oregon and Idaho to the north, to northern Mexico to the south. Known as a wide rift, as each graben 'basin,' bounded by horst 'ranges.' Each set of horsts with a graben has some individual extension, adding up to the overall rifting.
An elevated erosional surface caused by glacial or fluvial action.
Eon defined as the time between 4 billion years ago to 2.5 billion years ago. Most of the oldest rocks on Earth, including large portions of the continents, formed at this time.
Meaning "earlier life," the third eon of Earth's history, starting at 2.5 billion years ago and ending at 541 million years ago. Marked by increasing atmospheric oxygen and the supercontinent Rodinia.
The largest span of time recognized by geologists, larger than an era. We are currently in the Phanerozoic eon. Rocks of a specific eon are called eonotherms.
The second smallest span of time recognized by geologists; smaller than a period, larger than as age. We are currently in the Holocene epoch. Rocks of a specific epoch are called series.
The innermost chemical layer of the Earth, made chiefly of iron and nickel. It has both liquid and solid components.
The theory that the outer layer of the Earth (the lithosphere) is broken in several plates, and these plates move relative to one another, causing the major topographic features of Earth (e.g. mountains, oceans) and most earthquakes and volcanoes.
An arrangement of many continental masses collided together into one larger mass. According to the Wilson Cycle, this occurs every half billion years or so.
Dividing two-dimensional line between the two sides of a fold.
A series of changes to the Earth's orbit which can fluctuate climate.
The last (and current) era of the Phanerozoic eon, starting 66 million years ago and spanning through the present.
Wobbles in the Earth's axis.
The angle of the Earth's axis with respect to the plane of rotation.
The measure of the amount of circular or elliptical nature of the Earth's orbit.
Period of warming within a glacial or ice age cycle.
An overall global sea level change, either due to climate or seafloor spreading rate.
The measure of the vibrational (kinetic) energy of a substance.
A test of an idea in which new information can be gathered to either accept or reject a hypothesis.
A solid part of the lithosphere which moves as a unit, i.e. the entire plate generally moves the same direction at the same speed.
The outermost physical layer of the Earth, made of the entire crust and upper mantle. It is brittle and broken into a series of plates, and these plates move in various ways (relative to one another), causing the features of the theory of plate tectonics.
A ductile physical layer of the Earth, below the lithosphere. Movement within the asthenosphere is the main driver of plate motion, as the overriding lithosphere is pushed by this.
Meaning "middle life," it is the middle era of the Phanerozoic, starting at 252 million years ago and ending 66 million years ago. Known as the Age of Reptiles.
The entire area which is related to land-sea interactions.
A property of a solid, such that when a force is applied, the solid flows, stretches, or bends along with the force, instead of cracking or breaking. For example, many plastics are ductile.
The process of changing rocks on Earth into different forms, namely igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.
Stresses that push objects together into a smaller surface area or volume; contracting forces.
The process of changing a mineral without melting.
Part of a glacier which has a net loss of material over the course of a year.
The part of the coastline which is directly related to water-land interaction, specifically the tidal zone and the range of wave base.
A controversial hypothesis which states the entire ocean froze and continental glaciation covered the planet about 700 million years ago.
Meaning "visible life," the most recent eon in Earth's history, starting at 541 million years ago and extending through the present. Known for the diversification and evolution of life, along with the formation of Pangea.
The most recent epoch of geologic time, from 11,700 years ago to present.
Places that are under ocean water at all times.
Area of extended continental lithosphere, forming a depression. Rifts can be narrow (focused in one place) or broad (spread out over a large area with many faults).
The supercontinent that existed before Pangea, about 1 billion years ago. North America was positioned in the center of the land mass.
Current conditions within the atmosphere.
Having to do with humans.
An interconnected set of parts that combine and make up a whole.
The measure of degrees north or south from the equator, which has a latitude of 0 degrees. The Earth's north and south poles have latitudes of 90 degrees north and south, respectively.
The living things that inhabit the Earth.
The most recent, and current, period within the Cenozoic era, starting 2.58 million years ago.